This is a recording of the 4/19/2022 event.
Registration details:
Advance registration is required.
In February 2022, the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts released its 2021 Assessment Report, Wisconsin’s Changing Climate: Impacts and Solutions for a Warmer Climate. This report explains the issues and impacts of our warming climate on Wisconsin residents and describes the scientific progress made toward solutions.
During this webinar, Wisconsin Sea Grant Climate and Outreach Specialist, Natalie Chin will provide an overview of the report, highlighting a new emphasis on climate justice and storytelling; Wisconsin Sea Grant Coastal Engineer and Outreach Specialist, Adam Bechle will discuss what the report says about potential impacts to coastal resources and the Great Lakes; and University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Director of the Center for Land Use Education, Anna Haines will talk about how to use report findings to improve community sustainably. The presentations will be followed by a panel Q&A.
Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) is a monthly opportunity for community dialogue about questions of climate change. TPCC covers different topics monthly, focusing on perspectives of climate change impacts, adaptation responses, and opportunities for mitigation and resilience. These conversations are organized, coordinated and facilitated by staff from multiple agencies. You are invited to join the conversation.
- Natalie Chin, climate and tourism outreach specialist, Wisconsin Sea Grant,
- Adam Bechle, coastal engineering outreach specialist, Wisconsin Sea Grant,
- Anna Haines, director of the Center for Land Use Education, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point,
- Julie McDonnell, coastal program specialist, Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources,
- Natalie Chin, climate and tourism outreach specialist, Wisconsin Sea Grant,
- Kristen Schmitt, climate change outreach specialist, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, United States Department of Agriculture,
- Hilarie Sorensen, climate biologist, 1854 Treaty Authority,
Minnesota Sea Grant Resilience Extension Educator Madison Rodman.
Image credit: University of Minnesota Duluth.